Automatic Online Payments

The automatic online payments can be configured for students according to the Expected Payments schedule.

After such payment is activated, the student will be charged the amount from Expected Payments on the date of the corresponding expected payment. The automatic payments charge the bank card that the student used to make the first manual payment.

Payments are conducted using the service, the same way as online payments.

The following rules are applied during that procedure:

  • Expected Payments cannot have payments with the total amount bigger than the scheduled student’s amount.
  • The system validates the total student’s payoff (the remaining payment amount) and ensures the payment amount does not exceed the total payoff. If it exceeds, the payment is not sent to and the system notifies the Support Team about this.
  • The automatic payments cannot be activated for merged or deleted students.
  • The automatic payments get temporarily disabled when the student’s stage in a group changes to one of the following: LOA, LOA Dropped, DROPPED, NOT STARTED, or PENDING. This way a user can check if the remaining payments are correct or distributed them. After that, the automatic payments can be enabled again for the student.

Automatic Online Payments Configuration

You will be able to enable or disable the automatic online payments in student profiles if the Automatic Online Payments for the Expected Payments Schedule setting is enabled in the school settings:

Note: The school settings also allow setting the default automatic online payments state for all students: enabled or disabled.

You can check the automatic payments status or enable/disable the automatic charges on the Financial Payments & RefundsAutomatic Online Payments:

  • Disabled — the automatic payments are disabled;

  • Enabled (not confirmed by student) — the automatic payments are enabled, but there are no payment credentials in the system because the student has not yet completed the first manual payment.

  • Enabled (confirmed by student) — the automatic payments are enabled, the first manual payment is successful, and the student’s credentials are stored in the system. 

The Expected Payments page will show the corresponding hint above the Expected Payments table:

Automatic payments require a student to make the first manual payment on any payment page in Online Payments or the Pay Tuition Fee page. The student can access the paypage using an individual URL link. The URL is generated for a specific unpaid payment from the student’s expected payments.

Note: The online payment request should have the "Tuition Fee" type.

The student will see a notification explaining that all future payments will be charged from the student’s card after making the first payment with this card. The student agrees to be charged automatically by checking the related checkbox:

Note: The Automatic Payments Student Confirmation During Online Registration in a Group setting in program settings defines whether a student can enable the automatic payments during registration.
Note: The Default Value for the Automatic Payments Agreement Checkbox setting in the school settings allows defining the default state for the checkbox that confirms the agreement for automatic payments.

After that, the automatic online payments status of the student will be updated and the Confirmed by Student field will have a confirmation mark:

All student’s future expected payments will be charged according to the schedule starting from the automatic payments’ confirmation date.

Students can cancel their auto-payments at any time from their profile. To do so, they need to go to the Online Payments Settings page and delete their payment information (card number). Students can also change their payment information in this interface.

Students receive email notifications about successful or failed automatic online payments every time an automatic payment is conducted. School staff receives such notifications daily.

If an automatic payment fails, the system tries again daily until the payment is completed successfully.