You can define school breaks — the periods without classes. Each campus can have own school breaks.

This information is later used when calculating the dates for the academic year in the in originations для Direct Loans.

Configuring School Breaks

You can configure the school breaks on the Education  Settings → School Breaks page:

Click Add to add a break and you will see the page where you enter the break date and select campuses where the break will be added to:

Click Add again and the selected campuses will have the break added to the table.

Breaks with identical dates for different campuses are grouped into a single record.

Note: If the new break date overlaps with the existing one for that campus, the system will show error and and prevent creating duplicate breaks for one campus.

Use Edit in the Actions menu of the corresponding row to edit or delete breaks: 

You will see the following edit form: 

You can delete the break by unchecking checkboxes for corresponding campuses. A dialog with a warning will be shown:

School Breaks and Group Breaks

When creating a group, the closest school breaks (in the period when the group is active and closest after the group end) will be automatically shown with the corresponding property in the Breaks section of Group Details:

Note: When adding group breaks, the dates are compared with the school break dates. The system prevents group breaks overlapping school breaks. However, if a group break starts earlier than or ends later than a school break, the system will allow such dates for group break. For example: if we have a school break from 12/18/2023 till 01/02/2024 but the group break dates are from 12/17/2023 till 01/03/2024, you will have to add the following group break dates: 12/18/2023-12/18/2023 and 01/03/2024-01/03/2024 so they are not within the school break dates.

Using the School Break Dates in the Originations Calculation

The school breaks are taken into account when calculating the academic year end date in originations for Direct Loans with the incomplete academic year. The days of school breaks are summed up with the days of the group break.