Revenue Variance — is a report where you can see the difference between the school revenue and the budget revenue. The report is located at FinancialFinancial ReportsRevenue Variance:

You can see more detailed information about groups. Each group has separate rows showing the following values through months:

  • Revenue — values for the group from the revenue report.
  • Budget — values for the group from the revenue budget report.
  • Over BudgetRevenue and Budget difference.
  • Budget Percent — budget completion percent.
  • Students Studying — the studying student number.
  • Students Planned — the planned number of students for studying.
  • Difference — the difference between Students Studying and Students Planned.

The Show Revenue Budget by filter allows grouping the data by campuses and programs:

Please note, that you can define which groups to show using the Show Groups filter:

  • No Attention Needed — shows only the groups with numbers in all cells. The Total column and the Total row shows data calculated based on the displayed values.
  • Attention Required  shows only the groups with N/A elements among the values. The inaccurate values are highlighted in red, and hovering the cursor over the cell will show the inaccuracy explanation tooltip. The Total column and the Total row still show numbers.
  • All — shows groups both with numbers and N/A elements.