Revenue Variance — is a report where you can see the difference between the school revenue and the budget revenue. The report is located at Financial → Financial Reports → Revenue Variance:
You can see more detailed information about groups. Each group has separate rows showing the following values through months:
- Revenue — values for the group from the revenue report.
- Budget —values for the group from the revenue budget report.
- Over Budget— Revenue and Budget difference.
- Budget Percent— budget completion percent.
- Students Studying — the studying student number.
- Students Planned — the planned number of students for studying.
- Difference — the difference between Students Studying and Students Planned.
The Show Revenue Budget by filter allows grouping the data by campuses and programs:
Please note, that this report's Total column and Total row show numbers even if there are N/A elements among the values. Additionally, the inaccurate values are highlighted in red and have an explanation tooltip for the inaccuracy: