This GEGI section will lead you through the student enrollment process management and its efficiency analysis. You can monitor how the enrollment process goes on at any time and make necessary corrections to your work.

Enrollment Goals

The Enrollment Goals setting is located in the Leads & Students → Cohort Goals menu. You can view and edit the student enrollment goals for cohorts on this page.

A goal is set up with the following fields:

  • Enrollment Start Date — the start date for enrollment in a cohort.
  • Target Enrollment Date   the date all students must be enrolled before.
  • Target Enrollment Count   the number of students planned to enroll.
  • Target LEAD to CONTACT Rate, %   the expected percentage of cohort students changed from the LEAD to the CONTACT stage (the students that were successfully contacted).
  • Target CONTACT to PROSPECT Rate, %   the expected percentage of cohort students changed from the CONTACT to the PROSPECT stage (the students who met their admission advisor).
  • Target PROSPECT to REGISTERED Rate, %   the expected percentage of cohort students changed from the PROSPECT to the REGISTERED stage (the students who got registered in the school after filling the Registration Form).
  • Target REGISTERED to ENROLLED Rate, % the expected percentage of cohort students changed from the REGISTERED to the ENROLLED stage (the students who signed the Enrollment Agreement).

Note: More information about the student stages of the pipeline can be found in the following article: What are the stages of the pipeline? How many types of stages of the pipeline are there? 

Enrollment Dashboard

The Enrollment Dashboard page is located at the Dashboards → Enrollment Dashboard menu. This page displays the student enrollment progress in the form of tables and graphs which may help to analyze the process of enrolling students into cohorts.

When opening the Enrollment Dashboard page:

  1. Search the Cohort using the Search & Order panel:

  2. Click on the panel header to open it:

    A panel with the following information will be displayed:

Charts display the comparison of the target and the actual values of Lead Conversion (Rates & Counts).
Subpanels to the right display the Leads & Enrollment Statistics.

Advisor Conversion Rates

The Advisor Conversion Rates page is located at the Leads Reports → Advisor Conversion Rates. This report, similar to the Enrollment Dashboard, displays the rates for student enrollment into cohorts that can be compared to the estimated rates from the Enrollment Goals. There are also individual rates for all admission advisors. This feature may help analyze the admission advisor efficiency and compare their rates individually:


You can compare target goals for cohorts with the actual state. It will help you to permanently control the enrollment process in the cohort and timely take appropriate measures.

Furthermore, charts can help you to compare the Target and the Actual values more conveniently:


When you select cohorts and click on the Chart for Selected Cohorts button, the following chart will be displayed:


You will be able to configure the following chart settings when you click on the Configure Chart button:

Stage A to Stage B Rate denotes the percentage of students changed from stage "A" to stage "B". For example, LEAD to ENROLLED Rate denotes how many of all added leads were enrolled into the cohort.

Note: More information about student stages of pipeline can be found in the following article: What are the stages of the pipeline? How many types of stages of the pipeline are there?

The number of students in the Target field is calculated by the total of stage "B" divided by the conversion rate from stage "A" to stage "B". For example, if 20 students are the target enrollment number and the conversion rate from REGISTERED to ENROLLED is 80%, there should be at least 25 registered students (20 / 80%).

Note: The report can be exported as XLS format or displayed as a graph. 

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