Accounting & Finance   is a set of GEGI features for tracking all financial activity for students.

You can find separate articles about the features in the Accounting section.


The cost of attendance in GEGI is divided into parts which are called charges, for example: Registration Fee, Library Fee, Tuition Fee for Core Program, etc. You can view and edit the complete charges list on the Charges page (Admin → Charges & Payments).

Student charges can be only added to the Enrollment Agreement at the Charges Itemization & Tuition Fees panel. The sum and the due date (optional) are defined for each charge. Charges are only taken into account in the system after the Enrollment Agreement is populated. After that, charges cannot be changed without a special user permission or, alternatively, they can be adjusted using the Adjustments feature and each adjustment will be treated as a separate charge in the system.

Each group can have its own EA Template   a set of charges to be used as a template for the student’s Enrollment Agreement. This may help to speed up the Enrollment Agreement creation. To copy the charges list from the Group EA Template to the student’s Enrollment Agreement, use the Update Charges from Group button on the Edit Draft EA page.

All charges are listed in the Scheduled Charges Report.

Note: More information about the Enrollment Agreement configuration can be found in the following article: Leads and Students.


Payments   the payments that student makes for the study.

The list of payments is located at the Payments page (the student profile → Payments tab). All payments on this page are grouped by type. You can add a payment using the New button.

You can also import payments. More information about how to import payments can be found in the following article: How to use the "Financial → Import" Tab?

Cash Payments can be distributed into student’s charges and bills. This feature helps to check whether the payment is pending or the student paid all the charges. If everything is done right, student’s payments amount will equal to the sum of bills and charges.

AR Card and Student Balance

The AR Card page (the student profile → AR Card tab) displays all student’s charges and payments. This page is used to track student’s balance   debts or overpayments. If a student has no debts or overpayments, the balance equals zero.

Once a charge goes into the AR Card, it is never removed from there. Even if for some reason a charge is removed from the student’s Enrollment Agreement, it will remain visible in the AR Card. Users with a special permission are able to mark charges as deleted and those deleted charges will still be visible in the AR Card but will be excluded from system calculations.

Note: The AR Card can be downloaded as a PDF.

Bills (Expected Payments)

Expected Payments are the planned payments the student gets notified about.

Expected payments should be created for the total sum of all charges in the Enrollment Agreement at the Expected Payments page (Enrollment Agreement page → Open EP button). This page helps to divide the sum a student is to pay into parts and create a payment schedule. 15 days before the Due Date an expected payment automatically becomes a bill, and the student gets notified about it by email in the form of the Statement of Obligation document. This document can be resent manually at any time.

When payments are added to the system, they are automatically linked to the existing bills. The Expected Payments page displays all bills that are paid (highlighted in green) or not.

If a student has any extra bills, you can add Credits (negative bills), which can reduce the total bills sum to pay.

Financial Reports

Here are some of the financial reports:

  • Payments & Refunds   displays all the payments and the refunds and the information about them.
  • Payments Reconciliation   helps to match and check the payments with the payments from the QuickBooks file.
  • Scheduled Charges   shows all charges added for a student using the Populate EA function.
  • AR Table   displays all charges and payments added for students. This report is an extended version of the AR Card page and allows seeing the information of all students.
All reports can be filtered by students, student stages, groups, total sums, etc.

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