Adding Leads and Lead Info

Leads are added to the system manually at the Leads & Students page (Leads & Students → Add New Lead).

Note: When creating a lead, you should add the lead to a specific campus. However, you will be able to add the lead to other campuses later.

After filling in the name, email, and phone fields, GEGI will perform a search for the existing leads with similar information and display the search results as a list of the existing leads. This will prevent adding duplicate leads.

Student profile contains numerous fields but most of them are optional and relate to student’s personal information.

Note: All required fields in GEGI use the red font, e.g. First Name, Last Name.

The following fields are required when creating a lead:

  • Source Type   how a lead found out about the school
  • First Contact Through
  • Inquired Program   the program that a lead was initially interested in
  • Chosen Program
  • Admission Advisor   is a user that will work with the student during the study
  • Group Name
  • State

Note: A student should have an admission advisor assigned for each campus.

After adding a lead, you are redirected to the Student "Name": Lead Details page. This is the main page with all information about the student:
  • Upload Photo   allows uploading a student’s photo.
  • Actions   most frequently used actions such as planning appointments, sending emails, text messages, etc.
  • Lead Info   all student’s personal information.
  • Main Stages of Pipeline   a panel with student’s stages in GEGI.
  • Groups   a panel with all groups where the student studied, is studying, or plans to study in.
  • Comments   a panel where all actions related to the student are logged, e.g., adding appointments, personal information changes, etc.

Leads and Students

All current GEGI leads and students are displayed on the Leads & Students page (Leads & Students → Leads & Students).
This page as well as many others in GEGI features the Search & Order panel used to filter the list with various parameters. You can save your filter settings by pressing the Save as My Default button and those filter settings will be automatically applied each time you open this page. You can manage different Search & Order presets in the Presets panel. You can add new presets by pressing the Settings button or editing the existing presets by pressing the pencil icon beside a preset name. Apply your saved Search & Order preset by simply clicking on the preset name.

Note: All across the GEGI interface, the pencil  icon button denotes that this element can be edited. Press this icon button to switch to the editing mode.

Some GEGI pages have the same Search & Order presets functionality, e.g., Leads & Students, Education Module: Students, Financial Module: Students, etc. When you edit or add a preset on any of those pages, the presets change for all corresponding pages.

Student’s Main Stages of the Pipeline and the Stages of the Pipeline in a Group

When added to the system, students get the LEAD stage which means they are not currently the students of the school but only exploring the possibility to study. This stage changes as a student is advancing through different events in GEGI such as filling in the Registration Form, signing the Enrollment Agreement, starting to attend classes, going on vacation, being expelled, graduating, acquiring a diploma, etc. You can always tell a student’s stage (studying, expelled, acquired diploma, etc.) by the student’s status.

Note: More information about the student’s Stages of the Pipeline can be found in the following article: What are the stages of pipeline? How many types of stages of pipeline are there?

Registration Form

The Registration Form is a form for adding student’s personal information, contact info, previous education, etc.

Note: Previous Education, HSD and/or Equivalent, Bachelor Degree are required fields for this form.

After filling in the form, you should perform the Populate Registration Form action to store the changes. You can download the Populated Registration Form as a PDF document. 

Note: GEGI allows to setup a template for PDF versions of various documents at the PDF/Excel Templates page (Admin → PDF/Excel Templates).

You cannot edit the Registration Form after it is populated. To make any changes to the current registration form you have to create a draft by pressing the New Draft button and then populate it.

Here is the typical workflow for the Registration Form page:

  • Create a new form: Create Reg. Form → Edit → Populate
  • Make changes to the current form: Reg. Form → New Draft → Edit → Populate
This Draft/Populated method is used throughout GEGI for other documents and is covered later in this guide.

Note: You cannot create an Enrollment Agreement and assign a student to a group until you fill in and populate the Registration Form.

You may turn off the requirement to fill in the Registration Form on the Program page (Education → Programs → Edit → Reg. Form is Required).

Registered Student

After the student’s Registration Form is created, filled with information, and populated, the student’s stage switches to REGISTERED, the student is considered registered in the school, and gets access to several new student pages:
  • Enrolled Details   a page with all basic student’s information and the Groups panel with links to create, edit, and view the Enrollment Agreement for each group.
  • AR Card   refer to the AR Card section of this guide for detailed information.
  • Payments   contains all student’s payments
All Details pages have navigation tabs with corresponding names at the top of the page. The pages also have a panel similar to the Actions panel which contains typical actions and reports for the student. The Comment panel displays all actions related to the student.

Note: More information about payments configuration and the AR Card can be found in the following article: Accounting and Finance.

Enrollment Agreement

The Enrollment Agreement (EA) is an agreement between a school and a student — one of the most important documents.

You can create the Enrollment Agreement on the student details page in the Financial menu (Financial → Students → Groups → Create Enrollment Agreement).

Another way to create the Enrollment Agreement is to switch the student’s stage to ENROLLING/ENROLLED and confirm the Enrollment Agreement creation after the status change.

The Enrollment Agreement workflow is similar to the Registration Form. Any changes you make require populating the Draft EA. Charges and Expected Payments are taken into the system only from a populated Enrollment Agreement.

You can enter the Enrollment Agreement information at several panels:

  • Student’s Data in EA   the main Enrollment Agreement information including the student groups (the Enrollment Agreement is created for every Core group), Credit Granted information, and the class schedule. 

Note: During the Enrollment Agreement creation, most of the fields (Student Start Date in Core Groups, Core Scheduled Completion Date, Core Class Schedule, etc.) are copied from the group information but you can manually change the fields by clicking the Edit button under Student's Data in EA on the Enrollment Agreement page.

  • Charges Itemization & Total Tuition Fees is a panel with all charges that comprise the Cost of Attendance. Use the Edit Draft button to edit the charges list. You may find the complete list of all charges which can be added to this table on the Charges page (Admin → Charges & Payments). Charges are covered further in this guide.
  • Adjustments   used to change Charges amounts after the Enrollment Agreement is populated and signed.
  • Assigned to Courses   displays a list of courses the student can be assigned to.
  • Prereq Requirements   a list of courses that are required to be assigned to the student.
  • Expected Payments   displays the payments that students are expected to pay for their study.
  • Payment Arrangements for Above Specified Fees are Attached in Addendums   this section allows entering a custom text (unique per student) that is included in the Enrollment Agreement.

You can download the populated Enrollment Agreement as a PDF file.

Note: GEGI allows setting up a template for PDF versions of various documents at the PDF/Excel Templates page (AdminPDF/Excel Templates).

You can find more information about working with the Enrollment Agreement in the following article: How to configure the Enrollment Agreement?

Enrolled Student

After the student's Enrollment Agreement is created, filled with information, and populated, the student’s stage switches to ENROLLED, and the student is considered enrolled in the school, appears available in the Education section, and gets access to a new Education Details page — the main page to work with the Education module. This module is described further in this guide.

Student Folders

Each student has the Student Folders page which can be accessed by pressing the Student Folders tab on any Details page. This page allows creating different document types and uploading their signed printed variants. This page functions as a student’s "document storage".

Document types are managed on the Student Folders page (Admin → Student Folders). When creating a new document, you may choose its "system type" (Enrollment Agreement, Reg. Form, etc.) which is linked to the actual document in the system. It allows monitoring of which required documents are already uploaded for the student and which are missing.

Note: More information about documents can be found in the following articles: Documents GuideE-Sign Guide.


Checklist   a list of items that a student should complete before the end of the study. Some checklist items can be set as required. You can configure the checklist on the Checklist Items page (Admin → Checklist Items).

You should further set up the Checklist for each group (Group Details panel → Checklist Template). All checklist items added to a group are displayed in the Checklist panel on the Data in Group page for each student.

Some checklist items can have a Test option. Such items will require entering a student’s grade. These items will influence the switching of any student’s stage after the ACTIVE stage. Please refer to the following article for more details: Automatic switching of student’s stages in a group after the completion date

Some items can have a Change Stage in Group to GRADUATED after Done option. Completing such items will automatically change the student’s stage to GRADUATED.

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