  • Leads Reports → Students Retention

Users with the following permissions: 

  • Leads/Students: View Students Retention Report



To control the students retention in cohorts more effectively it's necessary not only to view the number of active students, but also to be able to compare this number with the target number.



How to compare the actual number of active students in the cohort with the target number?



The Retention of Standard row was added to every cohort in the Students Retention report:

The Retention of Standard value is calculated by this formula: students, who were active or withdrawn for a valid reason / expected retention.

Note: Hover your mouse arrow at the Retention of Standard cell to read the more detailed information about how the amount was calculated on the selected date.

The Enrollment Goals were renamed to the Cohort Goals and there were added the Retention Goals, using which the expected students' retention in the cohort at the end of a module or on a specific date can be determined:


Also the following reasons were added for the DROPPED stage in group to specify that a student was withdrawn for a valid reason:

  • Death or disability
  • Service in the armed forces
  • Service with a foreign aid service of the federal government

Note: Dropped students with these reasons are not included in the Retention and Retention of Standard calculations:

Available since GEGI v4.8.0 (view release notes)