GEGI has the Online Payments section where students can pay for tuition and register in groups.

More information for students can be found in the Online Payments article from the Students Guide.

Pay Additional Fees Configuration

The Pay Additional Fees page allows a student to make a payment of any type from the Sales Receipt Types list where you can configure online payments:

  • Default Price: this sum will be prefilled in the payment form when selecting the corresponding type on the Pay Additional Fees page.
  • Email Recipients: these users will get an email when they receive a payment of the corresponding type via Online Payments:
  • Allows Receiving Payments Without a Student Profile: the student will be able to use payments of that type without a GEGI profile. The profile will be created automatically before the payment is added.
  • Additional Text: This text will be shown on the Pay Additional Fees page when selecting a corresponding receipt type.

Type & Amount via URL

You can prepare special URL links to the Pay Additional Fee page. Clicking that link will prefill the form with the needed type and amount. It will require passing the type and the amount parameters within the URL.

Example URLs:

Advanced Forms

Advanced Forms are special forms with additional data for some payment types. The set of fields for these forms cannot be configured because they are defined for each form. Presently there are the following forms:

1. Transcript payment:

2. Diploma payment:

Advanced Forms are added to the main payment form when selecting corresponding payment types.

Note: Advanced Forms can be enabled by the Enabled Advanced Forms setting in School Settings.

Search Student Options

You can use the Field Type for Searching for Student to Pay Additional Fees field (AdminSchool Settings) to select the field that will be used when searching for a student to pay additional fees:

The options are: Date of Birth, SSN/ITIN, and Student ID. The selected field will be used for the student search on the 

Pay Additional Fees: Step 1 of 2 — Search Student page:

Request to Pay a Specific Amount

Each student’s Financial Details page has the Create Request for Online Payments link that allows you to create a request to pay any type of payment (Tuition Bills or any Additional Fee) with any amount:

The Minimum Main Stage of Pipeline for Tuition/Registration Fee setting (Admin School Settings menu) is used to define the minimum stage of the pipeline for the student to be able to select Tuition Fee and Registration Fee in the Payment Type field.

The Email field is filled automatically with the student’s email but you can enter any other email manually. The Payment Link Expires on field allows setting the date when the link expires.

After creating a request, an email with the payment link will be sent to the specified email address. A student (or anyone else) can follow the link and make a payment. GEGI authorization is not required. The payment type and the amount cannot be changed.

The user who created the link will receive an email after the payment is complete.

Note: The payment URL can be obtained using GEGI API.

Online Group Registration for Students

Group registration configuration is described in the following article: Online Group Registration for Students.

Emails Configuration

There are multiple email templates that are used for Online Payments. They can be found here: AdminEmail Templates. Here are some of them:

  1. Online Payments: Create Request for Payment — email the student with the link to a one-time payment with the specific amount.
  2. Online Payments: Email to User about Payment — email to a user about the student’s payment.
  3. Online Payments: Email to User about Student Registration to Group —  email to a user about a new student who manually registered in a group on the Online Group Registration for Students page.
    This email is sent to the defined admission advisor when opening the group for registration. You can also configure the recepients using the Receive emails when a student is registered to group (all students/own campuses and programs) permission.
  4. Online Payments: Receipt to Student — email a student with the receipt after successful payment.

There is an ability in the Online Payments: Email to User about Payment and the Online Payments: Email to User about Student Registration to Group template to add the payment details, the student details, and the billing details using substitutions:

The automatically generated Payment Due Statement emails can include the link to pay tuition bills. The payment amount corresponds to the sum of all expected tuition bills.

The payment link is included in an email if:

  • Automatic Online Payments are disabled in the student’s profile.
  • Automatic Online Payments are enabled in the student’s profile, but the student has not yet confirmed the consent for automatic payments. In this case, the email contains a reminder for a student to confirm it.
Note: Payment links can be enabled by the Enable Payment Link in Payment Due Statement Emails setting in School Settings.
Note: Payment link expires in 7 days after the email was sent.