- Courses for Programs, Groups, and Students
- The Courses Catalog
- Program Courses List
- Group Courses List
- Tracks
- The Courses List in a Student Group
- Instructors List
- Grading
- Attendance
- Student Transcript PDF
- Student Education Reports
Courses for Programs, Groups, and Students
All GEGI students are divided into groups. Each group can have multiple courses with grades and an attendance log.
The Courses Catalog
- Number — e.g., VN 100.
- Title — e.g., Fundamental of Nursing.
- Method of Delivery — e.g., Online, Residential, or Other.
Program Courses List
- Show in Transcripts — defines course visibility in the Student Transcript. The Student Transcript PDF feature will be explained further in this guide.
- Type of Course — there are two major course types: Professional and General Education.
- Type of Instruction — Prerequisites, Didactic, and Clinical.
- Default Attendance — the default value for attendance when logging the attendance for students.
- Transcript Final Grade Type — a type of grade for the Student Transcript. Can be either Grade or Pass/Fail.
- Hours — class hours for the course.
Group Courses List
Tracks — the alternative variants of passing a program. They can be set up for the courses in a program/group.
During the study, a student must complete the main courses of the program and one of the alternative tracks as well.
See the article "How to Configure Tracks?".
The Courses List in a Student Group
- Assigned to Courses — a panel on the Enrollment Agreement page. Use the Edit button to manage the courses.
- Education — Courses in Student Group — the page displays all student courses in a group with the ability to assign and unassign courses, and view all courses in the program that may be assigned. The page is located at the Education tab on a student's profile page → Groups panel → Actions → View Courses.
- Group "Name": Education Group Details — features course assignment for multiple students. Click the Assign Courses to Students button and select the students.
Note: You can find more information about programs and groups configurations in the following article: Programs and Groups.
Instructors List
Note: You can find more information about roles and user access configurations in the following article: User Access, Roles and Permissions.
Note: The first created parent component defines the type for all other parent components and all other parent components cannot be set to different types. The subcomponents types may differ from their parent type, but cannot differ in type within one parent component.
You can define number grades translation to Letter Grades (A, B, C, D, F) on the Group "Name": Education Group Details page using the Actions button → Letter Grades item located on the right in the course row. The grades are recorded on the View or Record Grades page using the Actions button → View or Record Grades item located on the right in the course row.
- Scheduled Classes — regular hours spent by students together.
- Attendance Log — individual hours that can be added to a student separately.
- Class Hours — time spent within the school. Class Hours can be only of the Scheduled Classes type.
- Outside Hours — time spent outside the school. To be able to record the Outside Hours, you should fill in the Outside Hours Type and Outside Hours fields in the group settings.
- Mandatory Alternative Hours — are set up the same way as the Outside Hours.
Student Transcript PDF
Transcript can be sorted by the group start date (ascending or descending). The sorting order is configured in the School Settings using the Sort Programs in Transcript PDF setting.
Note: You can find more information about grades in transcripts in the following article: Grades in transcripts and abbreviations.
Student Education Reports
GEGI features several types of education reports for every student. Go to the Education → Students menu, find the required student in the Students list, and select the report you need using the Actions drop-down menu in the corresponding student’s row:
- View Student Attendance Report — displays the student’s attendance log grouped by groups and courses. A PDF version can be downloaded for any course individually.
- View Attendance Statistics (PDF) — a PDF document with a summary table for student’s attendance in groups and courses. Before downloading, you may choose the groups and courses to be included in the document.
- View Attendance Details (PDF) — the same PDF as the above Attendance Statistics but with information for every class.
- View Grades — shows all student’s grades grouped by courses and groups. A PDF version can be downloaded for any course individually.
- View Grades (PDF) — the same as View Grades but in the form of a PDF document.
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