GEGI Student Management System (version 4.82.0)

Version 4.82.0 is currently in development and is planned to be completed by 01/30/2025. This table of contents will have further additions and the final version will be published on 01/30/2025.


  • 90/10 Revenue Percentage: Added the "Can be Applied as Refund to Other Types of Payments" field to the payment type settingsWhen enabled, refunds of this payment type can be applied to the selected types of payments during 90/10 balance calculations. 
  • The "Amount of Federal Funds Paid to Student, $" field is now displayed on the "Edit Received Payment" page only for a type with the "Can Be Used as Cash Payment from the Student" setting enabled in payment type settings.


  • Email Templates: Added a welcome email, which is sent a set number of days before the official student start date. The number of days can be configured in Admin → School Settings. The email content can be customized in Admin → Email Templates.


  • Added a list of holidays to Education → Settings → Holidays. Federal holidays are added automatically. Users with the Edit Holidays permission can create, edit, and delete school holidays.
  • Transfer Credit Courses: Added the ability to add transfer credit courses to the Transcript PDF.
  • Transcript: Added a setting to sort Transcript by group start date, ascending or descending.


  • Enrollment Agreement: Added expected payments configuration to the EA Template

Financial Aid:

  • Originate and Disburse: GEGI will now take holidays into account when calculating the final disbursement date before automatically setting the "Disbursement Release Indicator".
  • Transportation: When creating a draft FA Plan or updating an FA Plan template, IRS Standard Mileage Rate is no longer updated automatically. Additionally, added IRS Standard Mileage Rate to the "Non-Direct Expenses" panel: updating the rate there will recalculate "Transportation" in the FA Plan/Template.

Leads & Students: 

Reporting System:

Student Folders:

  • The uploaded PDF are automatically validated. Invalid PDF upload is cancelled.


  • Implemented more recent encryption methods for user passwords storage.
  • Send Email: Added the ability to schedule individual and bulk emails.

We continuously work on bug fixes and performance improvements. The information about such fixes and improvements is usually not included in the release notes. If you encounter a bug or performance issue that prevents you from working or makes your work difficult, please contact us to ensure we know about it.

The release process and the rules of enabling new features are described in the following article: GEGI Release Process.